lunes, 22 de junio de 2020


Esta mañana, tras una votación en la que han participado los miembros de la AFA, el claustro, equipo directivo y departamento de Dibujo del centro, se ha fallado el concurso resultando ganadores los siguientes trabajos artísticos:




Miguel Valverde Alcalde (1ºA de bachillerato ) 

Es una obra hecha con lápices acuarelables sobre papel A4, gramaje 200 g. La idea principal se basa en un corazón dividido por sentimientos opuestos. En el lado izquierdo, podemos apreciar el simbolismo de la naturaleza anterior al coronavirus. A su vez, los globos representarían la libertad que teníamos (sin horarios, mascarillas, etc). Por el contrario, en el lado derecho podemos apreciar como el tiempo pasa despacio, sin apenas poder disfrutar de la vida, atados a una cadena, como encarcelados. La tirita simboliza todo el esfuerzo que hacen miles de sanitarios cada día por nosotros. 

Estos son algunas de las emociones contrapuestas que he experimentado estos últimos meses. Los colores acompañan a los sentimientos.

Seleccionada Categoría A 

Marina Escribano López (2ºD ESO)

Before our heroes were from the science fiction, but now we value those who are our true heroes: the doctors.

Seleccionada Categoría B

María Vargas Sánchez (1º B Bachillerato)

martes, 9 de junio de 2020


Otra propuesta como Actividad de Ampliación
Utilizando algunas de las apps propuestas en la pestañas pestañas superiores del Blog (Online Tools and APPs for Editing) creemos arte similar a microorganismos. Aquí tenéis varias imágenes que podrías interpretar (enlaces en las imágenes)


El artista  Andrii Vodolazhskyi, trabaja en formato digital para conseguir estas inquietantes imágenes (click sobre las imágenes)

Coronavirus COVID-19 bajo el microscopio. 3.ª ilustración

National Geographic también ofrece unas imágenes fascinantes que aúnan perfectamente Arte y Ciencia: 

Ariel Wilmer, un biólogo que descubre la poética de las imágenes del microscopio en una serie de fotografías. 

La revista QUO nos descubre imágenes de Ciencia y Arte bajo el microscopio del concurso de fotografía: Nikon Small World.  


Pinterest también reune una colección de impresionantes imágenes de Arte bajo el Microscopio (Dolores Vincent): Enlace sobre la imagen. 

La magia delle diatomee maestre di biomimetica » Fotografia di Stanley Flegler/Visuals Unlimited/Corbis

lunes, 8 de junio de 2020


Coronavirus murals: 

inside the world of pandemic-inspired street art



Una obra de Banksy titulada Game Changer ha aparecido en el Hospital General de Southampton, al sur de Inglaterra, acompañada de un mensaje del artista a los sanitarios que luchan contra la COVID-19.
«Gracias por todo lo que estáis haciendo. Espero que esto ilumine un poco este lugar, incluso estando en blanco y negro», ha escrito el popular artista cuya identidad se desconoce.

Anonymous artist Banksy has donated a painting to honor hero hospital workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The monochrome illustration depicts a young boy playing with a caped nurse, who is wearing a face mask. the nurse has her arm outstretched as she ‘flies’ through the sky. meanwhile, the child’s more conventional toy superheroes, batman and spiderman, sit redundant in a waste paper basket. 

Podéis ver los trabajos de Banksy en Instragram (@banksy)

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020


Crónicas Con-fabuladas para tiempos 

de pandemia por Manuel Pérez Báñez

Proyecto inicial de 15 fotomontajes digitales que toman como base e inspiración algunas conocidas obras de arte para reflejar en clave de humor y ligeros toques de ironía y surrealismo, el actual e inédito escenario generado por esta pandemia del Covid-19. (Click on the image)

Crónicas Con-fabuladas para tiempos de pandemia 2

No se esconda maese Velázquez, que sé que anda por ahí y le tengo que multar. Ni Orden de Santiago ni leches, es ya la tercera vez que vengo y le advierto que no va a venir ninguna infanta a posar y el cuadro lo tiene que terminar on line, que aquí no se puede estar. ¿On-liiiine, entendido? Qué dificil es entenderse con estos artistas, joé...

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020


George Floyd tribute Loomis approach

William Andrew Loomis (1892-1959), better known simply as Andrew Loomis, 
was an American illustrator, author, and instructor of art. His commercial work 
was featured in advertising and magazines; However, Loomis is best known as 
the author of a series of instructional art books printed throughout the 20th century. 
Long after his death, Loomis' realistic style has continued to influence popular artists
and styles like Manga and Anime. 

This is the Andrew Loomis Method: 

Also By Andrew Loomis - Easily Learn to Draw | Andrew loomis ...

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020




As of recently, a lot of us are seeing a ton of unprecedented change in our lives. It can be in the form of alterations to your appearance, food supplies, or the continuous rearrangement of your bedroom to stay sane. That’s why this drawing challenge is based around the idea of visible changes that present themselves in your current day-to-day life. That’s right, we’re challenging all art students to illustrate what this pre / post (as in, after it started) quarantine transformation looks like to you. This should be portrayed as a diptych, in before and after format, to better display the change. 
We encourage you to get creative with your concept! 
Remember to share your story in the caption so we can see the ways in which our lives parallel each other's. Scroll down for submission and prize details, along with how to upload your artwork.
(Text and drawings from the web

There was a time when life was fun, free, and there was happiness. And then there was COVID-19. Separation. Suspicion. Distrust. Distance. Masks... I long for the old days.

Derek Lowes

Procreate - my psyche before and after COVID-19

This is a diptych of MY quarantine....well before quarantine (during my exams) I was TOTALLY stressed and tensed 'cause of my exams but after the school closed (which was due to the virus) I had a real benefit because I overcame that stress and got a quality time to spend on my art which was really calming (for me).... Hope you like it:)

I was at a boarding school in Rome for a year, and it felt like an escape, i made great friends and lived freely (in color) but the virus meant i was to come home to Dubai, where my family lives. It just hurts to be back to this place i was so desperate to leave, its like i barely got a taste of freedom, and i'll never see it again. (or at least until i leave for university in 2 years).

I am actually a Covid patient. I was enjoying my life as this year was nothing but great to me. Spending time with my loved ones, reading books on Sundays etc. Then at the end of March, I became very sick. I had to spent 30hours on the ER floor, as there were no available beds (it was the beginning of this pandemic in Madrid and we were too many in need of medical attention). When I was actually given a bed, I was in a room with ten another patients and four nurses 24/7. I was lucky to get stable enough after a week and continue my treatment at home (I am currently still on a sick leave). The most important thing that I want to say about this, is that everyone was wonderful. Patients were trying to help each other and health workers were not stopping for a minute. Doctors are incredible and hard working, but for me the biggest heroes were the nurses. They had a lot of work with us and they were nothing but wonderful even though they had to wear the crazy yellow spacesuit. That is why I chose to do the after drawing about them and how I remember them. I feel very fortunate to have gotten better thanks to their hard work and the support from my family and friends. We applaud in Spain every day at 20h, to show support and I am very happy to be applauding at my home these days. Stay safe, stay at home.

A slightly overdramatic and fatalistic look at the perception of work and life before and during the bizarre times of Covid19.

Click this link to see more examples and get ideas:

Submission and prize details 

Link for further information: BASES DEL CONCURSO

Submission: Upload before June the 15th:

1- 1st and 2nd ESO: to the Virtual Aula in CONCURSO DE DIBUJO (Pre-post Quarantine Challenge) Task. Do not forget to include a brief text at the bottom of your drawing, like the examples above.

2- 3rd, 4th and Baccalaureate: send email from your GSuite account 
Do not forget to indicate your course group. 

3- EVERY PARTICIPANT: Share your drawing (anonymously) in the following PADLET (click on the link) where we can all vote with "likes": CONCURSO DE DIBUJO. 

Size and technique: Free, as long as it is a diptych (indicating before and after the quarantine). 

Prize details: The winners will be exhibited in the High School and published on the School and AFA websites, and there will also be a surprise prize.